statarea, frequently asked questions

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user question   [Joaquin, 10/04/2013]: Can I export the data from the tables to an excel so I can use it for my own predictions and update it automatically? If not, there is some plans to do it?
administrator answerHi Joaquin, unfortunately you can't add data to excel sheet. We will think about your suggestion in future.
user question   [lee, 08/03/2013]: Hi, is there any way to import into a spreadsheet. Many Thanks, Lee
administrator answerHi Lee, no way to add data into a spreadsheet.
user question   [Administrator, 05/03/2010]: What is FAQ?
administrator answerFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is page, where you can find answered question from user. In additional, you can ask us :)
user question   [Jonh Smith, 02/03/2010]: What kind of information, I can see on form graphics?
administrator answerOn the different graphics, you can see percentage chance to happened respectively bet, base on the former team matches.